dewi utari - fashion editor/stylist Indonesia Harpers Bazaar

emmanuelle alt - style editor US Elle
emmanuelle alt - fashion director/editor/stylist France Vogue
Since I was in elementary, writing and reading was my salvation and Fashion is my passion. I love to read a novel, newspaper, comic book, blog and especially magazine. I've been collecting magazine since I was in junior high, to me buy a new magazine is like the little girl who just bought Barbie, Okay I choose Fashion Magazine instead of the Barbie doll. And when entering senior high, the desire to be part of the magazine and became an editor was my huge dream. I wrote it in my yearbook profile and I wrote it in my pillow that I slept with, so every day I sleep with my dreams and ambitions, Fashion Editor. Oh my, I love fashion!! I've watched 'The Devil Wears Prada' dozens of times and 'The September Issue' was one of my favorite documentary film. I'm not confident to fill Ms.Anna Wintour shoes, I just dreamed to fill a huge shoes of the persons above. Even though, I know that being in Fashion industry or Fashion Media industry is really a huge deal, everyday they'll meet with deadline, meeting somebody new, the back stabbing thing, dealing with client and you had to have so many face and fake face. Oh, exhausted! But I love it, and I believe if you love your job then everyday is like heaven. A wise man told me that "If you see your job and your task as a threat not a challenge, then you're not belong here" *media or fashion industry.
so, nowadays became a fashion editor, now is my biggest obsession beside of being a fashion entrepreneur.