Gwen Lu is no longer with Elite Models in New York. She is, however, still on the board at City Models (Paris) and Why Not (Milan)
That said, I absolutely <3 the first two photos from this editorial! Great job, NuYou!

Model: Gwen Lu (City Paris)
Editorial: Unknown
Magazine: (Malaysia) NuYou, November 2009
Photographer: Chintoo
Stylist: Monica Mong
Hair: Lois Lee
Makeup: Sheng Saw
Source: Shengerleng @ Blogspot
That said, I absolutely <3 the first two photos from this editorial! Great job, NuYou!

Editorial: Unknown
Magazine: (Malaysia) NuYou, November 2009
Photographer: Chintoo
Stylist: Monica Mong
Hair: Lois Lee
Makeup: Sheng Saw
Source: Shengerleng @ Blogspot